Bíbli-CA – Library

The relevance of the overall set of information to be made available, in the sense of a broader embracement of the access to culture, can only be attained with a proficient interaction of the space and the equipment. The quality of the furniture is fundamental in order to allow a building to function with rigor. The drawing’s rigor, characterized by depurate lines filling a blank space, valorising and complementing it, is the primary way of imposing, of attracting, of creating the will of returning and remaining.

Bíbli-CA is the result of the sensible interpretation of these objectives, to which Iduna S.A. gave shape, in the perspective of permanent discovery and development continuity.

Stimulates the expression of an own identity, within the spirit with which each library is conceived, attending to the details that establish the difference. Will solve in the future the evolution of the diverse information carriers, in a contemporaneous perspective, seduction and openness to imagination in its technical and complementing rigor.

Design: José Manuel Carvalho Araújo



Biblioteca Municipal Álvaro de Campos – Tavira, Portugal
Escola Secundária D. Maria II – Braga, Portugal
Escola Secundária de Lousada – Lousada, Portugal
Escola Secundária de Caldas das Taipas – Caldas das Taipas, Portugal
Escola Secundária de Tomaz Pelayo – Santo Tirso, Portugal
Biblioteca de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Madrid, Spain
Biblioteca Municipal de Ílhavo – Ílhavo, Portugal
Bibliothéque Universitaire du Havre – le Havre, France
Historisch Centrum Overijssel – Zwolle, Netherlands